Primbee Public School

Achieve By Effort

Telephone02 4274 1974

Volunteering at school

Helping out at school is a great way to get involved in your child’s education as well as get to know the staff and other parents and carers.

Research shows that children benefit when their parents or carers are actively involved in their education and school life.

You can help by:

  • listening to children read in the classroom
  • volunteering on sports days
  • helping supervise excursions
  • getting involved in fundraising activities
  • joining school committees.

How do I volunteer?

The majority of our volunteers at Primbee Public School are parents of a child attending the school. Most parent volunteers coming into the school are exempt from obtaining a WWCC clearance. However, schools do require volunteers to complete the Appendix - ‘Declaration for volunteers and non-child related contractors’ form and they must also provide the school with 100 points of current ID.

They need to complete the required paperwork and identification document check, which can be done by supplying some of the following documentation:-

Category 1 (70 points) Birth Certificate or Passport.

Category 2 (Initial document 40 points) – (any additional documents will be awarded 25 points) Current Licence or Permit (Government Issued) Centrelink Pension/Concession or Health Care Card.

Category 3 (25 points each) Medicare Card/Private Health Care Card, Council Rates Notice, Credit/Debit Card, Utility Bills.

See Staff for more options.

Please note: All volunteers must sign on at the office and obtain an authorised ‘Primbee Public School Visitor’s Badge’ and return the visitors badge when they sign off.

Please help us to comply with the current Dept. of Education Volunteer policies by completing or updating these procedures with our administration staff.

* If you are a parent who is transporting children other than your own, to or from any school events, the school needs a copy of your licence, car registration papers and insurance papers along with the above requirements.

Please be patient and understanding as we work with you to keep our students safe.